Straightens the wall using 2x4 with a wedge to hold
forms tight and secure.
Wedge can be locked in the up position, allowing for one man operation.
If used on the 6 Bar system, this bracket eliminates the need to align the top of the forms.
The answer to straight and true walls - DURAFORM.
Top Waler allows concrete to be poured to the top
of the forms.
Top Walers can be used to provide a stepped-in ledge
to support top panels for stepped walls.
Perfect solution for brick ledge problems. Placing top walers at alternating joints accurately aligns the top of the wall by locking with a wedge. Constructed of 7 gauge steel.
Straightens formed wall holding dimensional lumber
to back of form panels.
Available in 6 HD, 8 HD, 10 HD, and 12 HD.
All HD Walers have additional stiffleg for heavy duty support.
Attach to panels by locking on the accessory bolt.