About The DURAFORM Company

The DURAFORM brand has always carried the reputation for being the leader in the 1 1/8" concrete latch form industry.  Founded in 1957, the company has been through ownership and location changes, but the high quality product and service they provide has always remained constant.

DURAFORM , formerly Medalist Forming Systems, was purchased by James White in 1992. White, while  employed by Medalist, worked his way up to president, but was terminated in 1975. He then did what no one expected. He created a competing company, ACCUFORM. In 1991, Medalist decided to sell its  forming divisions and Jim White recognized the opportunity to again lead this company. In September 1992 the sale was completed that allowed White to restore the DURAFORM name and refine the historic quality that name was synonymous with.  

Current manufacturing and management teams continue to carry on the vision. Improvements and  innovations have been made to maintain and surpass our reputation for excellence. We are committed through second generation ownership to maintain the same honesty, dedication, and loyalty serving you with continued drive and enthusiasm. Our goals are to develop today, your needs for tomorrow.  

DURAFORM corporate headquarters are housed in a 44,000 square foot facility in Waunakee, Wisconsin. Our sales staff from this Midwest location, our East Coast Branch, and our national distributor network allows DURAFORM to serve customers throughout the United States and Canada. 

Corporate Headquarters

301 Raemisch Road
P.O. Box 365
Waunakee, WI 53597  


Corporate Office : (608) 849-3000
Tollfree: (800) FORMING 367-6464
Sales: Mid-West & Western US
Tollfree: (800) 367-6464
Sales: Eastern & Southern US
Tollfree: (800) 243-0168
Sales: Canada
(608) 849-3000